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Date: 7/1/2024
Subject: The Voter July 2024
From: League of Women Voters - Bloomington-Monroe County

An update for League friends and subscribers.
July 2024

In This Issue
Community News


Independent Film Explores Threats to Democracy
A locally produced independent film, Democracy's Vital Signs, is now available. The documentary is focused on “informing the general public of the critical dangers our democracy faces today.”  The film is 37 minutes long and covers topics such as:
  • Local leaders’ perceptions of the problem.
  • Who are “we the people”?
  • Past problems faced by our democracy.
  • Groups trying to engage citizens.
  • Issues the public can monitor.
The film is accompanied by a facilitator's guide, which leads the user through the film and will be helpful when showing the film to groups. - Ralf Shaw 

Indiana State League Publishes Citizens' Handbook
According to results of the Pew Research civics quiz, older Americans are generally more likely than younger adults to answer questions about the U.S. government correctly. For instance, 88% of adults ages 65 and older know the length of a Supreme Court appointment, compared with 62% of those aged 18 to 29. However, older adults are somewhat less likely than younger adults to correctly answer questions about First Amendment rights and the tiebreaker for the Electoral College.
Are you curious about how your local, state, and federal governments work? The LWVIN Citizens’ Handbook breaks it all down for you. Equip yourself with the knowledge to be an effective citizen and advocate. Get your handbook today!

Take a Look at the LWV-BMC Government Pages
In addition to the LWVIN Citizens' Handbook, LWV-BMC has extensive information on our website on local, county, state, and federal governments, as well as how to connect with government and participate. Just go to the website, and click on Government in the menu. Explore! - Ann Birch

LWV Partners with American Booksellers
On June 11, the American Booksellers Association (ABA) and League of Women Voters (LWV) announced a new partnership to educate and empower voters in 2024. The collaboration is part of ABA’s member and community campaign, “Get Out the VOTE,” which aims to equip independent bookstores to engage with voters. “Independent bookstores are essential to local community building and civic engagement, said Kelly McFarland Stratman, Chief of Staff and interim co-CEO at the League of Women Voters of the United States. “Through our partnership with the American Booksellers Association, the League can further empower communities and book lovers alike to get out to vote and make informed decisions that shape our democracy.”
Go to the national League website for information on LWVUS partnerships. Visit to find out about our local partnerships. - Ann Birch

Urge Senator Young to Support Expansion of Deam Wilderness 
Last fall, Senator Mike Braun introduced S. 4402, the Benjamin Harrison National Recreation Area and Wilderness Expansion Act, and this spring IN09 Representative Erin Houchin introduced a companion bill in the House,  H.R. 8535. (Many thanks to all of you who contacted her!)  This bill would more than double the size of the Charles Deam Wilderness Area and would also establish a National Recreation Area (NRA) on 29,382 acres of current national forest land.

Our LWV-BMC partner Citizens' Climate Lobby is asking us to help make this bill pass by urging Senator Young to be a co-sponsor.  Email him at or call 202-224-5623.- Kristina Lindborg

Here's a suggested message:
Please support S.4402, the Benjamin Harrison National Recreation Area and Wilderness Act. 
This bill will benefit the citizens of Indiana in many ways. It will provide unprecedented recreational opportunities; protect Lake Monroe’s water quality; protect a diverse ecosystem; enhance the capacity of the Lake Monroe watershed to absorb precipitation and thus protect against increased flooding; mitigate against climate change by increasing the amount of mature forest absorption of CO2; and preserve our invaluable hardwood forests for future generations.  

Community News

Limestone Post Article Features a Different Parenting Experience
A recent article in The Limestone Post describes the pathway to parenthood taken by a local queer couple. According to the couple, Lynae Sowinski and Josie Leimbach, their experience mirrors that of heterosexual couples in many ways but is also very different. Read about their experiences.

Events and News Sources

Public Events

Newsletter Staff
Editor: Ann Birch
Writer: Pat Miller
Proofreader: Kristina Lindborg