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U.S. Capitol

U.S. White House

U.S. Supreme Court

Martin Luther King Jr. Monument


Federal Government Website

Legislative Branch

U.S. Congress

Indiana's U.S. Congressional Districts

Daily Digest of Legislative Activity (Government Site)

Tracking Bills (Nongovernment Site)

Elected U.S. Legislators Representing Monroe County (District 9)

Senator Mike Braun (term expires 1/3/2025)

374 Russell Office Bldg.; Washington DC 20510; 202-224-4814

Contact Mike Braun

Ballotpedia Overview

Senator Todd Young (term expires 1/3/2023)

400 Russell Office Bldg.; Washington, DC 20510; 202-224-5623

Contact Todd Young

Ballotpedia Overview

Representative Trey Hollingsworth (term expires 1/3/2023)

1641 Longworth Office Bldg.; Washington, DC 20515; 202-225-5315

Contact Trey Hollingsworth

Ballotpedia Overview

Executive Branch

White House

Judicial Branch

U.S. Supreme Court

Tracking Decisions (Nongovernment Site)

Federal Government

To limit the power of any one person or group, the Constitution mandates three branches of federal government: the legislative, the executive, and the judicial. 

  • Congress, the legislative branch, makes the laws. Congress is made up of the House of Representatives and the Senate.
  • There are 100 senators—two per state—and 435 representatives—one each per state and the rest allocated (apportioned) according to state population. 
  • Senators serve six-year terms with one-third of the Senate up for election every two years; Senate elections are held in even-numbered years. Representatives serve two-year terms; in even numbered years, all 435 House members run for election. There are no term limits for either senators or representatives.
  • The executive branch, consisting of the president, the vice president, the Cabinet, and most federal agencies, carries out laws.
  • A presidential term is four years; elections are in even-numbered years. Presidents are limited to two elected terms.
  • The judicial branch—all the courts including the Supreme Court—evaluates laws and the adherence or non-adherence to them.
  • A chief justice and eight associate justices make up the nine-member Supreme Court. Supreme Court justices are appointed for life.

A system of checks and balances allows each of these branches to exert certain controls over the powers of the others (1).

  • The president can veto the laws that Congress creates.
  • Congress, with a two-thirds majority vote, can override a presidential veto.
  • The Supreme Court can determine laws unconstitutional and overturn them. 
  • The president nominates the heads of federal agencies; Congress confirms or rejects them.
  • The president nominates the Supreme Court justices; Congress confirms or rejects them.
  • Under certain unusual circumstances, Congress can remove the president from office through the process of impeachment.


For more information:

LWV-BMC Government Basics

Photo credits (l-r): Anna Mirce (; unspecified (; Anna Sullivan (; Bee Calder (

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